From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 6

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lectures thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 5

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lectures thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 4

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lectures thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 3

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lectures thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 2

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lectures thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 1

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lectures thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

From zero to Arduino® – Lecture 0

We’re sorry, this content is not yet available in English. If interested in this topic, please contact us and we’ll try to produce an english version of this online course.

In the meanwhile, you can try to attend this online lecture thanks to the subtitles.

Last but not least, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel (click here) and to activate the notifications (click on the bell).

Enjoy 😉

Da zero ad Arduino®

Molti di quelli che hanno acquistato il nostro videocorso Electronic Maker Hiker hanno chiesto informazioni in merito ad Arduino®, in particolare se potevamo fornire loro le basi per iniziare ad utilizzarlo.
E’ un grande sforzo, ma cerchiamo di accontentare tutti, e in YouTube potete trovare tutta una serie di video lezioni (gratuite e in continuo aumento) dedicate a chi deve iniziare da zero (ma anche per chi ha iniziato da solo e, sicuramente, lo ha fatto commettendo degli errori).

Ma stiamo facendo di più!
E’ in preparazione un videocorso per utenti che sanno già fare qualcosa con Arduino® ma vogliono migliorare e passare alla comunicazione su rete TCP/IP così da poter realizzare dispositivi IoT basati su Arduino (e non solo, vedrete).

Ne vuoi sapere di più? Hai delle richieste particolari? Compila il form che trovi qui (o fai click sull’immagine di seguito) e ti terremo aggiornato.

Nel frattempo ti riproponiamo un altro interessante articole sulla programmazione di questi dispositivi: Arduino e la funzione delay.

Last but not least, non dimenticare di iscriverti al canale YouTube (click qui) e di attivare le notifiche (click sulla campanella).

Buona lettura e ti aspettiamo a lezione 😉.

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