IC-7000 SDR by IK0AZG

IC-7000 SDR by IK0AZG

Our friend Gianni IK0AZG has installed our IF buffer interface IFace on his Icom IC-7000 in order to equip his radio with an SDR panadapter. The following photos show some details of the installation, specifically how the buffer interface was shaped in order to be placed in the very little space available inside the radio (also for this reason the smaller and thinner IFace 2 was then designed).

In this image you can see the point where the IF signal is taken through the yellow wire.
In this image you can see the points where the power (positive red wire, negative black wire) and the IF signal (yellow wire) are taken.
In this image you can see the IFace buffer board suitably shaped to reduce the overall dimensions and correctly positioned and wired to the radio.
In this image you can see the output cable of the IF signal: it was chosen not to drill the rear panel of the radio and to use one of the openings on the back to pass the coaxial cable.

To view the complete IFace installation instructions in the Icom IC-7000 click here.

To purchase an IFace use one of the buttons below.

Thank you Gianni IK0AZG.

ATTENTION: Although the installation of IFace 2 is not difficult, it is done at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side effects, or anything else.


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