April 22, 2021

TS-870S with SDR panadapter

Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Kenwood TS-870S.

The operations to be carried out are really very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where to take the RF signals. In this case, in fact, we will not pick up the IF signal because this radio has such an architecture that the IF frequency is not constant but varies as the working conditions vary. So what we will get is a replica of the signal arriving from the antenna, suitably filtered by the band filters. The frequency that we will tune with our SDR receiver will be the same as that of the radio and not that of the IF. The following image shows the block diagram of the radio and where to take the IF signal.

The following images show the exact points in the wiring diagram where to take the RF signal, power supply and PTT. This is required to limit the RF signal entering the SDR panadapter during transmission.

The points on the PCB where to connect the IFace board are shown below: the RF signal, the power supply and the PTT are required: do not forget the return to GND of the power supply (which can also be obtained from the coaxial connector if in contact with the radio chassis).

The use of the PTT signal is required in order to disable the buffer as the SDR receiver will be tuned to the same transmission frequency and it is therefore necessary to protect it from signal excesses.

In order to buy an IFace use the buttons below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information, do not hesitate to write to us using the form below.
Have fun!

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IC-718 with SDR panadapter

Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Yaesu IC-718.

The operations to be carried out are very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where the IF signal has to be taken. This radio uses several mixers and we are interested in the first IF frequency (this makes it easier to operate the panadapter). The IF frequency chosen is 64.455 MHz and our SDR panadapter will be tuned to this. The following image shows the block diagram of the radio and where to get the IF signal.

The following image shows the portions of the schematic diagram of the IF UNIT where we can see the exact points where to sample the IF signal and the power supply.

We now proceed to identify the exact points on the printed circuit board where to take the IF signal to be sent to the IFace. The following images show the sampling point for the IF signal and for the power supply for the buffer interface.

The use of PTT signal is not required because RX and TX signals are separated.

In order to buy an IFace use the buttons below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information, do not hesitate to write to us using the form below.
Have fun!

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IC-R8500 with SDR panadapter

Our buffer interface named IFace can be used to add an SDR panadapter to the Icom IC-R8500.

The operations to be carried out are very simple, it is sufficient to obtain from its wiring diagram the information on the points where the IF signal has to be taken. This radio uses several mixers with complex architecture. We are interested in the second IF frequency (this makes it easier to operate the panadapter). The IF frequency chosen is 10.7 MHz and our SDR panadapter will be tuned to this. The following image shows the block diagram of the radio and where to get the IF signal.

The following image shows the portions of the schematic diagram of the IF UNIT where we can see the exact points where to sample the IF signal and the power supply.

We now proceed to identify the exact points on the printed circuit board where to take the IF signal to be sent to the IFace. The following images show the sampling point for the IF signal and for the power supply for the buffer interface.

The use of PTT signal is not required because this radio is a receiver.

In order to buy an IFace use the buttons below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information, do not hesitate to write to us using the form below.
Have fun!

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