Our friend Luigi IV3XNF sent us some pictures of the installation of our universal SDR interface IFace inside the great ICOM IC-775DSP. This is a very powerful testimonial and we like to share it to thank Pellegrino.
In this way, using an external SDR receiver and its software you can take advantage of all the advanced features of the SDR technology and improve the performance of any radio!

This image shows just how our IFace works: it is used to take the IF signal from the radio and send it, properly processed, to the external receiver: this creates a real SDR panadapter.

And if it works with an IC-775… it works with any radio!

The installation is very easy, the instructions can be found here, and from the following images, you can see result of the installation made by IU8JAD.

If you’d like to buy an IFace please use the following button. A shopping cart will appear and you will be able to proceed with the order.

If you want to find out for which other radios the installation instructions are already available, go to this page.

If you do not know which SDR receiver to use and you want an advice, please note that all our tests were carried out using one of the receivers shown in this article: click here.

For more information, videos and other technical notes please visit the product page, click here.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!


Our friend Pellegrino IU8JAD sent us some pictures of the installation of our universal SDR interface IFace inside the great ICOM IC-7100. This is a very powerful testimonial and we like to share it to thank Pellegrino.
In this way, using an external SDR receiver and its software you can take advantage of all the advanced features of the SDR technology and improve the performance of any radio!

This image shows just how our IFace works: it is used to take the IF signal from the radio and send it, properly processed, to the external receiver: this creates a real SDR panadapter.

And if it works with an IC-7100… it works with any radio!

The installation is very easy, the instructions can be found here, and from the following images, you can see result of the installation made by IU8JAD.

If you’d like to buy an IFace please use the following button. A shopping cart will appear and you will be able to proceed with the order.

In order to buy an IFace, please use one of the following buttons.

If you want to find out for which other radios the installation instructions are already available, go to this page.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!

SDR interface for the FT-1000MP Mark-V Field

These are the instructions to install the IFace interface inside of the YAESU FT-1000MP Mark-V Field. The installation is very easy.

The FT-1000MP Mark-V Field, like other radios, has a very complex configuration and uses different intermediate frequencies. We are interested in having a “wide band” signal, so it will have to be picked up before the main band pass filter. The sequence of operations to be performed to obtain a sufficient bandwidth to realize a panoramic receiver around the chosen IF frequency (70.455 MHz) is shown below. The path of the TX and RX signals is partly separate, so the PTT command to disable the IFace during transmission will not be necessary. The following images show the point where the IF signal will be taken.

Now we need to locate the points where to connect the electric cables to the IFace. The following images illustrate where to get the various signals on the RF UNIT.

If you like the idea and the goodness of the proposal buy an IFace using the button below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!


Our friend Alfredo EA5YJ sent us some pictures of the installation of our universal SDR interface IFace inside the great ICOM IC-7600. This is a very powerful testimonial and we like to share it to thank Alfredo: the work has been done in EB5AGV Jose Vicente’s lab.
In this way, using an RSP1A and its software you can take advantage of all the advanced features of the SDR receivers and improve the performance of any radio!

And if it works with an IC-7600… it works with any radio!

Here below you can see some pictures of the comparison between the spectrum as shown on the display of the radio and on the screen of an HP spectrum analyzer.

The installation is very easy, the instructions can be found here, and from the following images you can see result of the installation made by EB5AGV Jose Vicente.

If you’d like to buy an IFace please use the following button. A shopping cart will appear and you will be able to proceed with the order.

If you want to find out for which other radios the installation instructions are already available, go to this page.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!

SDR interface for the FT-1000MP Mark-V

These are the instructions to install the IFace interface inside of the YAESU FT-1000MP Mark-V. The installation is very easy.

The FT-1000MP Mark-V , like other radios, has a very complex configuration and uses different intermediate frequencies. We are interested in having a “wide band” signal, so it will have to be picked up before the main band pass filter. The sequence of operations to be performed to obtain a sufficient bandwidth to realize a panoramic receiver around the chosen IF frequency (70.455 MHz) is shown below. The path of the TX and RX signals is partly separate, so the PTT command to disable the IFace during transmission will not be necessary. The following images show the point where the IF signal will be taken.

Now we need to locate the points where to connect the electric cables to the IFace. The following images illustrate where to get the various signals on the RF UNIT.

If you like the idea and the goodness of the proposal buy an IFace using the buttons below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!

SDR interface for the IC-7100

These are the instructions to install the IFace interface inside of the Icom IC-7100. The installation is very easy.

The IC-7100, like other radios, has a very complex configuration and uses different intermediate frequencies. We are interested in having a “wide band” signal, so it will have to be picked up before the main band pass filter. The sequence of operations to be performed to obtain a sufficient bandwidth to realize a panoramic receiver around the chosen IF frequency (124.487 MHz) is shown below. The path of the TX and RX signals is partly separate, so the PTT command to disable the IFace during transmission will not be necessary. The following images show the point where the IF signal will be taken.

Now we need to locate the points where to connect the electric cables to the IFace. The following images illustrate where to get the various signals on the MAIN UNIT.

If you like the idea and the goodness of the proposal buy an IFace using the button below.

ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!

SDR interface for the TS-570D and the TS-570DG

These are the instructions to install the IFace interface inside of the Kenwood TS-570D/G. The installation is very easy.

The TS-570D / G, like other radios, has a complex configuration and uses several intermediate frequencies. We are interested in having a “broadband” signal, so it will be picked up before the main band pass filter. The sequence of operations to be performed to obtain a sufficient bandwidth to create a panoramic receiver around the chosen IF frequency (73.05 MHz) is shown below. The path of the TX and RX signals is partly separate, so the PTT + signal to disable IFace during transmission is not strictly necessary but can help isolate the receiver during transmission. The following images show the point where to take the signals and the power supply.

Now we need to locate the points where to connect the electric cables to the IFace. The following images illustrate where to get the various signals on the TX-RX UNIT.

If you like the idea and the goodness of the proposal buy an IFace using the buttons below.


ATTENTION: Though installing the IFace is not difficult, you do this at your own risk. TSP S.r.l. is not responsible for any damage, unwanted side-effects or whatever.

For more information do not hesitate to write us.
Have fun!

© TSP S.r.l. | VAT IT03137540542 | V.le Unità d'Italia 36, 06019 Umbertide, ITALY

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